Lantern in the Snow 您所在的位置:网站首页 cookie story Lantern in the Snow

Lantern in the Snow

2024-06-09 07:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Gacha Missions Story Lantern in the SnowWhen the snow feels warm and your journey is over, let this guide your way... „

Lantern in the Snow is the Cookie Story of Cotton Cookie Cotton Cookie and Frost Queen Cookie Frost Queen Cookie, releasing on November 18, 2021 in the Frost Witch and the Lantern in the Snow update (v2.4) and coinciding with the Frost Crystal Gacha and the Frost Crystals Event. Its episodes were unlocked by progression in the Frost Crystals Event.

The Story tells the legend of Cotton Cookie a selfless Cookie who confronts the Frost Queen Cookie Frost Witch to prolong the life of her Sherbet Cookie frost illness-stricken friend.

Story[] 01. Where Snow Falls All Year Round Snowfall Village Tree SW1Snowfall Villager Alright, where should we hang this lantern...How about... here? SW1 No, daddy! Higher!Hang it higher! YSW1Young Snowfall Villager SW1Snowfall Villager Ha ha, the height is important: more Cookies can see the lantern!But it's also important to make your feelings come through. YSW1 SW1 Feelings? What feelings? YSW1Young Snowfall Villager SW1Snowfall Villager For example, your wishes for other Cookies' happiness. YSW1 The first Cookie to hang a lantern onto this tree used to say that...Do you want to hear the story? SW1 Yes! Yes! Tell me! YSW1Young Snowfall Villager SW1Snowfall Villager Far, far away to the north, amidst the tall, frigid mountains,where snow falls all year round... was a little village. YSW1 In this village, lived two little Cookie friends. 02. Two Little Cookie Friends Cutscene02 KV1Kind Villager Cotton Cookie!Going to see Sherbet Cookie again? KV1 I'm carrying these supplies for him...He's... he's been feeling even colder. Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

KV1Kind Villager Oh dear... This sickness is getting worse by the day... Cotton Cookie Sprite Sweet skies!What did this young soul do to deserve such a cruel disease...! KV1 ... Sherbet Cookie will be alright.I must go, before the snow gets worse. Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

KV1Kind Villager Be careful on the road, my dear! Cotton Cookie Sprite Cutscene03 Sprite cotton 3

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie? It's me!I brought you a warm cotton blanket and some snow mushroom stew! Sprite cotton 3 Cotton Cookie...? Thanks.How was your day? Did the sheep give you much trouble...? SHERBET1

Sherbet Cookie

Sprite cotton 3

Cotton Cookie

Phew, don't even get me started on that!You know how their wool can grow so fluffy that they can't even move if you don't shear them in time? SHERBET1 They looked just like one enormous sheep!I almost drowned in all that wool today! Sprite cotton 3 Ha ha... Sounds like too much trouble...!Those little stubborn sheep of yours. SHERBET1

Sherbet Cookie

Sprite cotton 3

Cotton Cookie

It was! I barely had a chance to catch my breath today! SHERBET1 Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

... But how are you feeling?Still feeling cold? Cotton Cookie Sprite ... Yeah. And I can't hide it anymore. SHERBET1

Sherbet Cookie

When I touch a glass, it gets covered with frost...Maybe it's time the Frost Witch came for me... You've heard the stories about Cookies taken away by the Frost Witch, haven't you? Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

Don't say that...!Those are just scary tales for kids! Nobody's gonna take you away! SHERBET1 Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

And even if this Witch comes, I'll be here!I'll protect you! See this staff? I will stop anyone! Cotton Cookie Sprite That crook of yours?Ha ha, it does look pretty strong. SHERBET1

Sherbet Cookie

But... at times, I feel... strange. The colder I feel... The stronger the snow... I keep hearing someone's voice calling me from far, far away. But when I close my eyes and follow this voice...Every time it's only endless snow as far as I can see. What if... what if it's the Frost Witch calling me? Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

No...! Please don't think about the Witch!I'm sure, you're just tired of staying at home! SHERBET1 Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

You know what? When you feel better, we'll go wherever you want! Together. I promise! Imagine all the places you ever dreamed about!Endless seas of sand, tall ridges of waves, ever-burning lakes of fire! Cotton Cookie Sprite Someday... SHERBET1

Sherbet Cookie

You are such a good friend, Cotton Cookie.Thank you. Cutscene04 SHERBET2

Sherbet Cookie's Shadow

The voice... it keeps calling me... I.. can't wait any longer... I must- 03. Missing Cutscene03 Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie, it's me!Today I- Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

... Huh?Sherbet Cookie? Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie! Cutscene05 Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

Oh... Oh no! Sherbet Cookie!Where did you go...?! Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

The snow is too strong... I can't see a thing... There!... I see a figure!... Sherbet Cookie...? Cutscene06 Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie!What are you doing out there? Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

And who is that... with you? Wait, is that... The Frost Witch!? Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie, no!DON'T GO! Cutscene02 Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

The Witch... has taken... my friend... Oh, dear Sherbet Cookie... Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

... Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

I have to do something...I need to find Sherbet Cookie! Cutscene07 copy Sprite cotton 5

Cotton Cookie

So... cold... The wind can cut through my very dough...This is what the world must've been like for Sherbet Cookie... Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

Oh, ACK! Sprite cotton 7

Cotton Cookie

Too... cold... Can't... keep... going... But... Sherbet Cookie... needs... me... 04. The Frost Queen Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

(The wind... stopped?) Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

(The blizzard... is over?Huh...? Where am I?!) Cutscene08 Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

... You! Sprite cotton 2 Foolish child!Why are you roaming this snowy barren all alone? Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

You... are you the Frost Witch?! Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 2 Is that really the question you wish to ask, Cookie-with-the-Lantern? Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

Huh...Oh... Sherbet Cookie! Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 2 ... Sprite sorbet sick

Sherbet Cookie

Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie, are you alright?Oh no, he's cold as a crystal of ice! Sprite sorbet sick Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

What did you do to my friend?! Sprite cotton 4 Not a thing. It is merely the time for this child's life to become one with snow once more. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

What are you...It was you who cursed him and took him away from me! Frost queen cookie base Why did you do it?! You can't take his life!Bring him back! Sprite cotton 4 His life interests me not.But the order of things must be upheld. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Yes... I shall grant you a glimpse of the truth. That what you call a "curse" so foolishly.You shall see it with your very own eyes. 05. Stop the Flow of Water Cutscene09 Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

What is... this? Sprite cotton 2 Behold! You are standing in the presence of the Greater Will that weaves the fabric of this world. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Tell me... What brings you, Cookies, to life? The answer is simple: powder imbued with pure Life.Substance that animated many creatures throughout this land. But who could have known... Who could have known that this very energy is, in fact, what fuels this world, allowing it to exist. To keep the mechanism of this world in perfect equilibirum, a complex of fundamental principles was created by Nature itself. Guardians were chosen to ensure that this order is maintained.I am one of these guardians... I am to make sure that Frost Children, fated to become one with Nature, reach the Source.That is my task. Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

"Frost... Children?" Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 2 An alluring voice calls them, beckons them into the snow, growing ever clearer as the warmth of life fades...It is neither a curse nor a disease. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Like a seed meant to become a tree...Like a fire burning forests to ashes, yet enabling new life to see the sunlight... Here, in my frozen domain, the Frost Children find their final peace, dissipated into a myriad of ice crystals, become one with Nature again. It is a blessing to allow new life to bloom. Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

I don't believe you... Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie doesn't want any of this! Sprite cotton 4 This is the way Nature is.Therefore, it is this child's natural desire. His will. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Do you understand? The principle of Nature cannot be broken. Whether you understand it or not is irrelevant.The world's mechanism will continue revolving. Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

There must be something I can do!Anything! I will do anything to rescue him! Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 6 Cookie, you are asking for a way to rescue water running in a river.Only one Frost Child was able to preserve the Cookie form. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Perhaps... There is a way to stop the flowing water. For some time. Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

What is it? Please, tell me what to do! Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 4 Atop a towering cliff grows the Wind Flower, feeding on the warm rays of the sun above. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

This Wind Flower can bring the warmth back... for a while. But the blizzard is raging outside.The search will be an impossible task. Wandering among the frozen ridges you may risk your last chance to see the very Cookie you cherish. Will you accept such risk? Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

... I will. Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

I will find the Wind Flower no matter what...! 06. For a Couple More Minutes Cutscene05 Sprite cotton 5

Cotton Cookie

This mountain... is as tall as the sky!I can barely feel my fingers... ... But I have to hurry. For Sherbet Cookie. Only I can save him! Oh! AAAAAH! It hurts...My hand! Lantern in the snow sherbet room 3 SHERBET1

Sherbet Cookie

"... Hm?Cotton Cookie, are you hurt?" "Did the flock give you a hard time again...?Wait here, let me get some bandages and flour." "Please be careful.... I can be sick for both of us... So please, stay well!" Cutscene05 Sprite cotton 7

Cotton Cookie

I'm fine, Sherbet Cookie!It's nothing... Sprite cotton 5

Cotton Cookie

It's just a tiny crack...That much I can handle. Sherbet Cookie, what's on your mind?What's going on in your head?! Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

Do you really want things... to end this way...? I never thought we'd part ways... like this. Cutscene10 copy Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

... Oh no.The cliff's collapsed here! And the Wind Flower is... on the other side! Will I reach it if I jump?! Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

I will... No, I must!Anything for a couple more minutes with Sherbet Cookie... I can do it. 07. Warm Yellow Light SHERBET1

Sherbet Cookie

When I think about it... I realize that all this snow was inside my heart from the very beginning. The blindingly white snow, reaching as far as one can see... slowly filled me from within. These fields of snow...So white one wouldn't dare to tarnish it. I often imagined becoming a tiny snowflake, one of the billions making this ocean of snow. But then...Another color emerged amidst the pristine dunes. That was... Cutscene11 Sprite cotton 4

Cotton Cookie

.. bet ... Coo...! Sherbet Cookie...!Wake up...! Sprite cotton 4 ... I did not expect you to succeed, Cookie.Enjoy this brief moment of success. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

It should be enough for a farewell. Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie... Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 6 ... Cotton Cookie.I... I followed the voice... And... Sprite sorbet sick

Sherbet Cookie

You came all this way... for me... Forgive me... I left without saying goodbye. Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

No, no! It's alright...!I told you I'd always stay by your side...! Sprite sorbet sick Please, Sherbet Cookie...Don't go... Sprite cotton 6 Don't worry, Cotton Cookie.I'm not going to disappear. Not anymore. Sprite sorbet sick

Sherbet Cookie

I'm only following my dream.Like a snowflake drifting across endless tundra. But I want you to know...I'm not sure since when... but amidst the bleak, dreary snowy plains that haunted my thoughts... I started to see you. The warm, yellow light of your lantern...It was there too. No matter where I went, the dim light was there.Then I understood. That light was for me.It lit my path so that I don't get... lost. And it felt warm and comforting... I didn't feel lonely. Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

Neither did I, Sherbet Cookie! Because I had you...! Sprite sorbet sick Sprite cotton 6 Now I must go...It's time for us to part ways, Cotton Cookie... Sprite sorbet sick

Sherbet Cookie

Just like I remembered you when I saw the light of your lantern...Think about me when snowflakes fall down from the sky. I will be there... Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

No, Sherbet Cookie!How can I let you go...! Sprite sorbet sick Sprite cotton 6 Thank you... For everything you did for me. Sprite sorbet sick

Sherbet Cookie

Cutscene12 Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

No...!!! Sherbet Cookie, SHERBET COOKIE...!NO! PLEASE STAY! DON'T GO! Cutscene13 Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

*sobbing...* But I knew...I always knew that one day you'd leave me for some faraway land... But I wanted to stay with you nevertheless... Cutscene14 Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

To keep listening to your stories... Live in this world... together! 08. Memories Frozen in Ice Cutscene15 Sprite frost queen worried

Frost Queen Cookie

Wait. This light...?Get back here...! Sprite frost queen worried Sh-Sherbet Cookie...!?Ack... The air is... too cold... Can't... breathe... Sprite cotton 5

Cotton Cookie

Sprite frost queen worried

Frost Queen Cookie

Hide behind me! Sprite cotton 5 This freezing energy...! Cutscene16 Cookie Doctor Any ailment can be cured!I'll do all in my power to find a way to treat this disease...! I know! If anyone can do it, it's you.And I'll do anything I can to assist you! Cookie Doctor's Friend Cutscene17 Cookie Doctor I feel... colder. And the voice... it beckons me. Frost Cookie...! Are you alright...?! Cookie Doctor's Friend Cutscene18 Cookie Doctor Something out there, in those vast snowy plains, holds the answer!And I'm going to find it...! Are you sure you want go there?It's dangerous, and I can't allow you to go alone! Cookie Doctor's Friend Cutscene19 Cookie Doctor Now I understand... I... No...! Frost Cookie...!Don't fade away...! Cookie Doctor's Friend Frost crystals cutscene 20 Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

.... Yes... That is how it was. Memories... of the past long gone. 09. The End Cutscene07 copy Sprite sorbet transformed

Sherbet Cookie?

... Ack...

Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

Sherbet Cookie...? Sprite cotton 2 He is no longer the Cookie you used to know. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

A droplet of warmth...Has kept the fading soul together and created a new being, Eternal and Free. Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

That means... Sherbet Cookie is back?That he will... stay? Frost queen cookie base Sprite cotton 6 No... Just like myself, he has become a Nature's herald. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Soon, he will discover the mission imposed upon him. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

Regardless, he will never return to his former life. Frost queen cookie base ... Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

Sprite sorbet transformed

Sherbet Cookie?

I... Sprite cotton 6 ... feel strange.As though covered with endless snow. Cold, yet warm. At long last, I feel alive.I, I can go anywhere...! Look, look at this, Cotton Cookie!I can fly...! Ha ha! Sprite sorbet transformed You look so... free, Sherbet Cookie. Sprite cotton 2

Cotton Cookie

Now I understand.You've found your true self... Sprite cotton 6

Cotton Cookie

Sprite sorbet transformed

Sherbet Cookie?

Endless seas of sand, tall ridges of waves, and ever-burning lakes of fire! Sprite cotton 6 Now I can fly anywhere! I HAVE TO go there! Cotton Cookie, you should come along...! Sprite sorbet transformed Thanks... Sherbet Cookie. Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

Now I understand everything... Sprite cotton 3

Cotton Cookie

All our time together... It led us here.And here is where we say goodbye. Cotton Cookie Sprite

Cotton Cookie

I will stay here and protect everything we held dear. And you... Travel far and wide. And when you come back, tell me what you saw. For me, it will be enough. Sprite cotton 3

Cotton Cookie

Sprite sorbet transformed

Sherbet Cookie?

Cotton Cookie...Your light always lit my path... Sprite cotton 3 No matter where I go, I will always keep this light in my heart. I will make sure not to lose my way out there in the wide world!Like I did before... Sprite sorbet transformed When a desperate ray of light met a heart yearning for freedom, you were reborn. Frost queen cookie base

Frost Queen Cookie

You have shaken off the shackles of frail dough.Even winter's chill has no power over you. Go. Anywhere and everywhere you wish. 10. And Life Goes On Snowfall Village Tree SW1Snowfall Villager ... And so, the new-born spirit's adventure began. And the girl returned to the village.She hanged a bright lantern on the village's tallest tree to guide her friend when he comes back. And the warm light shines bright 'til this day... Time passed, and more villagers started hanging their lanterns for their dear ones during the coldest days of the year. SW1 Whoah... That's why I told you to hang it higher, daddy!Because I love our family soooo much! YSW1

Young Snowfall Villager

SW1Snowfall Villager Ha ha, so do I, kid!Hey, it's almost time to make the wishes! Let's hurry! YSW1 SW1 Right, right! Let's run! YSW1

Young Snowfall Villager


Old Snowfall Villager

You have to make your wish on the hill from where the tall cliff can be seen... YSW1 COTTON8 Cotton Cookie!It's great to see you here! SW1Snowfall Villager YSW1

Young Snowfall Villager

Wow, it's granny Cotton Cookie!Do you know the lantern story too? SW1 YSW1 ... Ho ho, oh, of course!It is my favorite story. COTTON8

Cotton Cookie

Now, go make your wish.Or all of the good spots will be taken! YSW1

Young Snowfall Villager

Oh no!Hurry up, dad! COTTON8 COTTON8

Cotton Cookie

It's snowing tonight...Soft, warm snow. I hope you are happy out there, dancing among the snowflakes.Stay safe in your travels! Snowfall Village Tree The night on the meadow

Whispers through the breeze

Old lanterns shining brightly

Upon the tallest tree

I recall your smile as years flow by

But they're all a long time ago

When the snow feels warm

And your journey is over

Let this guide your way






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